STARS ON THE WATER by J MONTANAuser * by J Montana, on Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:51pm PST * 1141 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseEveryone has a friend or loved one in the military that is either on active duty or hasRetired. I want to take the time to remember the heroes of today, as well as our fallenSoldiers that we have lost as a result of the war. I have a few friends here on ShineThat have Husbands that are on active duty. Please leave your prayers for them.These are our Heroes. If you have a friend or family member that has past on or isOn active duty please leave them your prayers and well wishes here. My wish is toHave all of our soldiers come home safely. These soldiers fight for a freedom thatWe take for granted. We need to come together and remember who has foughtThe good fight for us. It was not I. I can not even fathom the thought of going intoBattle just so our children can feel safe at night. Remember the fallen soldiers.My father was my hero. He was not in the military. I still miss him. I recently readA post that reminded me of daddy. I did not get to say good by to him before hePassed away. Even if you do not have a friend or loved one in the military.Tell us who your Hero is. It can be a school teacher that you remember from yearsAgo, your brother, your husband or a friend. Who is your Hero? Our heroes areOur Shining Stars.As I look at the Sun setting in the sky I feel forsaken. Why have you left me.I will remember you. It is dark now. The night is pitch black the Sun is lost.I only see the Stars on the Water.A hero (from Greek ἥρως hērōs[1]), in Greek mythology and folklore, was originallya demigod[2], the offspring of a mortal and a deity,[3] their cult being one of the most distinctive features of ancient Greek religion.Later, hero (male) and heroine (female) came to refer to characters (fictional orhistorical) that, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness,display courage and the will for self sacrifice – that is, heroism – for somegreater good, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence and a lifesaver. ~ Wikipedia
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