Kutter's Bar and Grill on Shine

Kutter's Bar and Grilluser * by Kutter, on Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:39am PST * 1789 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseSo, you think that your day was tough? Well, join the club. Whenever you enter this establishment upset, you will leave with a smile on your face. We are here to drown your sorrows, and make you feel better. So what are you having? You may have noticed that there are no clocks on the walls. We did this for a reason. Time may fix your problems, but a few drinks are going help you along the way. Tell me what is going on. The good and the bad. The pretty and the ugly. The ups and the downs. It doesn't matter if you are a QuietThinker or as loud as a rock concert. Whatever! Enough of the examples. I’m here to make you your drinks. I’m here to make a paycheck. I’m here to make you smile, but please follow the ToS rules. If you annoy me too much then I will be forced to call in my bouncers. Our security is run by BJ, and she owns over 200 guns, so please be smart about your decisions. You don’t want any Harley riders telling you where to go. You could get your feelings hurt. You might be looking up at the Sky and notice that Sunshine is not smiling at you. We also have a builder named Bob that knows how to “plant” a two by four. If you get by Bob then you will be dealing with Big Ron, and he has a habit of loving you to death. On the other hand, Lady Jane will escort you through our establishment if you set an appointment. Also, don’t mess with the lawn guy because Blade has been known to Kut you In The Flesh. We only try to run a nice Traezy establishment. Kim is the main level waitress, but do not take your drinks off of her ass. She will serve you in an, out of the oven, hot Biscuit type of manner. There is a guy named Defiant that shows up every now and again, and he claims to be Valiant, and he has some great stories. He’ll tell you a joke anytime that you are willing listen. He works in a hospital with DocNewYork and Nurse Di. She believes that Zombies are very witty. I have to agree with the “witty” part. Be very careful though, Satan does have angels. We do have a person that Chex this. Christie and Mandi will be around to offer Jello shots, but please remember that you will have to go home eventually. Betty will be the one to administer those shots, but no more than 29. If you enjoy snakes then please visit our Viper display in the northwest corner. A lot of people find this display very Groovy. We also have a Theno Scorpio in there. You really shouldn’t mess with a Scorpio. If you want to play, then play with the Viper. Rockin’ will be handling all of the DJ music, and if you enjoy the Dolphin dance then please join in. If she is not here then please note that the jukebox is stuck on Neil Diamond’s song, sweet Caroline. If you decide to dance then please notice that there is a Rose on each table. Please respect the beauty and the time it takes to create each one of these. We do have another level, which we call the Montana room. Cherry blossoms are everywhere and Jack will be your server. It is very naughty but very nice. It is, shall we say, Mr. Clean up there. Nothing but the best attention will be served. We also have our own handyman Maguire to handle any odd jobs. We have a Wicked chocolate bar, which is hosted by Nestle, and it is absolutely Lucious. Kendra will be happy to deliver drinks to your area. The thoughtful and generous Tony D, will survey any actions on this level. The layout is nice and Cozy with a fireplace. We posted a sign above the fireplace, which reads, Hot Dangerous, so please be careful. Ladies if you’re looking for something exotic then head towards Fernando or Cody. They are always on this level, and you can pick them out by their pictures in the hallway. If you head back to the main level then you will find a regular on the west side of the bar. Her name is Angela. She is very educated and used to wear a catholic schoolgirls outfit. She is fun to banter with, but be careful. We have seen her slice and dice. She used to have a Sis that sat on the east side of the bar, but she had some house sitting accident. Her buddy is a Mac, and he is as loud as a diesel truck. Quite the pair they are, but very friendly if you are drinking what they are drinking. Some people have seen Angeleyes in them and they are said to be beautiful. Maybe it was the Southern Valentine that I had just consumed, but who knows. I’m going to have to send the Inspector to check that out. Brandy is always a very good choice to make you a Gratefulgirl or guy. Please be careful not to Odiem when you are around her. She is very strong and seductive, but ration yourself. One of our favorites has not been back for a while, and she is known as Nickie. She was very much a Diva. I think that we should send out a Conesu of people to find her. BUT, then again, we are all drinking. Maybe we should send out a Jellybean and see if that would attract her, or possibly Jules? I mean, every woman likes Jules, right? Her favorite beer was a Karina w/o the lime, and she loved to eat pulled pork sandwiches with a Habanero and a side of Yogurt. That was Simply her three favorites. She believed that combination would keep her Foreveryoung. We have a large screen TV on the east side of the room, which is made by JE. One of the Elle twins will change the channel if needed. Most people agree that the JDUSA channel is the best one to watch when it is late. Some of our patrons are catching Z’s at that hour, and are Gracious when the volume is on a lower level. If you need to use the restroom, look for the Starwars poster and head Straightforward. In Casy you get confused about which one is the females restroom, just look for the French portrait of La Abuelita. The men’s John has a picture of a Rebel on the door. After you are done with your Tinkerbell be sure to wash your hands and Pat off on one of our towels. We know that the lines can get pretty long, but Allswell that ends well. So, please be patient and you will be Luvinlife. Back by the front door, we have a Tassellady that always sells neat little braided things. She learned her trade in Harlem, and is quite the Craftlady. She also has a little helper, but he is kind of a Shydreamguy. She has a Baby Girl that is so cute, and her name is Cacybrook. She is quite the little Sparkingirl, and you can’t separate her from her Lilpiggy and she loves to be pushed around in her Baby Ridah. We all think that she is a great Momma. After consuming beverages for hours it might be best to become a Walker. However, be careful when heading across the street. There is an Aly and you might turn up as a Jane Doe. If it is Stormy out side and Raynie and Breezy, then we will call you a cab. If you are waiting for your cab, then please check out our Djgreetings card section located just inside the front doors. On a final note, if Brenda shows up then I suggest that everyone be on their best behavior. She manages this community, so give her the respect that she deserves. Now that you know everything about our bar, please have a seat and order some food and drinks.Here are our specials for this week:
Kutter's Bar and Grill on Shine
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