Annie Marie Le, 24, has not been seen or heard from since Tuesday, when she went to a school lab in New Haven to run some experiments - and somebody pulled the fire alarm, Yale Police said Thursday.
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Until now, he still fears of terror Kayako. He had complained to the doctor Ann Sullivan
This year, Kanye West picked the beginning of the Video Music Awards to deliver one of his famous rants.
The rapper stormed the stage just after the first award, for Best Female Video, was presented to Taylor Swift. He cut the teen singer off, grabbing the mic and protesting in support of Beyoncé.
Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All by Myself ', a comedy film with the long title of this work sits at the top of the box office. Released on 11 September, Tyler Perry was immediately scooped up U.S. $ 24 million from the audience.

'Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All by Myself' is a theatrical adaptation of the comedy with the same title. As always, Tyler Perry will act as a major star, director, and playwright.

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Time For Marijuana Legalization? - CBS News

Time For Marijuana Legalization?Andrew Cohen: Economic Crisis Spurring Politicians To Talk About Legalizing PotComments Comments 84Feb. 25, 2009 | by Andrew CohenSend this story via emailE-Mail StoryPrint this storyPrint StoryRead related blogs & articles about this storySphereShareText Size: A A A (DEA)RelatedSubstance Abuse In AmericaInteractiveSubstance Abuse In AmericaGet the facts on a national problem. Find out where to get help, learn how drugs affect the body and compare state drunk-driving laws.Stories * Border Patrol Expands Role In North * Cop: No Pot Charge For Phelps After Attorney Andrew Cohen analyzes legal issues for CBS News and, it was nothing personal after all. Apparently, it was strictly business all along.After generations of defending capital punishment and marijuana possession laws on moral, ethical and religious grounds, after years of declaring that the death penalty acted as a deterrent against violent crime and that pot smokers were more dangerous to society than, say, alcohol consumers, all of a sudden thanks to our economic crisis more and more mainstream powerbrokers are considering dramatic changes to our criminal justice system.The New York Times today has a late-arriving piece by Ian Urbina which posits that lawmakers in several states are considering abandoning the death penalty because it’s just too expensive and cuts into other law enforcement priorities. State officials are beginning to acknowledge that they can more productively spend their budget funds on cracking unsolved cases or ensuring better police protection than on keeping pot smokers in prison or fighting for decades with capital defendants. This, Urbina writes, is forcing a sea-change around the nation: “Last year, in an effort to cut costs, probation and parole agencies in Arizona, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Jersey and Vermont reduced or dropped prison time for thousands of offenders who violated conditions of their release. In some states, probation and parole violators account for up to two-thirds of prison admissions each year; typical violations are failing drug tests or missing meetings with parole officers. As prison crowding has become acute, lawsuits have followed in states like California, and politicians find themselves having to choose among politically unattractive options: spend scarce tax dollars on expanding prisons, loosen laws to stem the flow of incarcerations, or release some nonviolent offenders.”This trend toward releasing non-violent offenders naturally begs the question: what about legalizing marijuana possession and lowering the drinking age? A California lawmaker Monday introduced legislation that would legalize (and tax) pot there. In Colorado, as seen this past Sunday on 60 Minutes, the police chief in Boulder (which houses a raucous University of Colorado) made a compelling case for saving money by reducing the drinking age from 21. Better to have police officers tracking violent crime, the argument goes, than writing tickets for college kids who are going to drink no matter what.These declarations, from the political and legal arena, are not just isolated voices shouting into the wilderness. Consider the late, great Milton Friedman, the Nobel Laureate, former Reagan advisor, and esteemed scholar associated with the very conservative Hoover Institution. He was among hundreds of important economists who argue that pot should be legalized and taxed - and that the income from such taxation could generate billions in new revenues and billions more in enforcement savings. If you live in California, what would you rather have? Pot smokers whose cases are tying up the legal system? Or better health care and roads thanks to a marijuana tax. I’m just asking the question-and others are too.Friedman and his colleagues first made these arguments years ago - before the economy tanked. Is it time to take his view more seriously with states facing huge budget shortfalls that threaten to curtail vital projects and policies? It is such a great leap from releasing prisoners from prison early to save money and not sending them there at all to save more? I would suspect a survey of police officials and prosecutors, and a survey of state budget officials, would indicate that the matter is being taken more seriously today than it ever has been.It’s not my place to advocate anything - so please don’t write and accuse me of being Cheech or Chong. All I am saying is that the economic case for legalizing marijuana, and for lower the drinking rate, is as compelling as it has ever been and that, in a time of great changes in the interaction between government and the governed, it would not be the worst thing in the world to have a serious national debate on the topic. If we are going to lower state and federal budgets for criminal justice, if we are going to be emptying our prisons anyway to save costs, let’s make sure we do it in a way that maximizes the opportunities available to us.
Time For Marijuana Legalization? - CBS News
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The "birth control" pill...and so much morepartner * by Dr. Kate, The Daily Bedpost, on Tue Apr 1, 2008 9:07am PDT * 128 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report Abuse[Ed. note -- Matters of contraception make for - ahem - big and long-lasting conversation here on Shine. Right now, we can't stop talking about the many ways The Pill works in our body and the many reasons, even outside of birth control, we use it. Add your opinion to the mix!]My new patient J. came into my office with her mother last week to discuss her awful periods. She's 13, and has been to the emergency room several times (and missed over a week of school this year) because of heavy bleeding and disabling pain. I was excited about offering J. the birth control pill--I don't often have the chance to greatly improve someone's life with a simple prescription. But her mother resisted, because when she was young, "only bad girls went on the Pill that young." Forty-five minutes of conversation later, J.'s mother promised to think about it.This encounter was a reminder that the birth control pill has a bad name. Sure, its contraceptive power is fantastic (97 percent effective when used perfectly). But it's so much more than that: * The anti-anemia pill. You'll bleed less heavily and for fewer days each month. * The anti-cramp pill. You'll need less ibuprofen...and maybe none at all. * The pro-clear-skin pill. Dermatologists recommend the pill to help control acne. * The anti-hair-in-the-wrong-places pill. Meaning less hair growth on your face. * The cyst-reduction pill. You'll reduce the chances of benign ovarian and breast cysts. * The cancer prevention pill. Reduce your risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer by 50-80 percent. * The mood stabilizer pill. The pill can work wonders in some women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). * The bone strengthening pill. Studies indicate that use of the pill can help ward off osteoporosis. * The pro-fertility pill. The pill provides some protection against pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), a major cause of infertility.Do any of you take the "birth control" pill for non-birth-control reasons?
The "birth control" pill...and so much more - Healthy Living on Shine
Your oddest body quirks explainedpartner * by Liz Vaccariello, Editor-in-Chief, PREVENTION, on Wed Feb 11, 2009 12:13pm PST * 14 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseGoose bumps. Popping joints. Laughing till’ you cry. These little body quirks are certainly familiar, but it doesn’t make them any less mysterious. Here is what’s behind a few of your body’s stranger habits, plus why a less-than-desirable physical trait could actually be healthy: 1. WHY DOES CHOPPING ONIONS MAKE YOU TEAR UP?When you cut into an onion, you rupture its cells, releasing enzymes that produce a gas called propanethial sulfoxide. Once that gas reaches your eyes, it reacts with tears to produce a mild sulfuric acid. And that hurts. The brain then signals the eyes’ tear glands to produce more liquid to flush the stuff out. The more you chop, the more irritating gas you produce and the more tears you shed. “The onion’s chemical reaction is a defense mechanism that evolved to repel pests,” explains University of Wisconsin–Madison horticultural professor Irwin Goldman, PhD. Keep the stinging and crying to a minimum by chilling an onion in the freezer before cutting it cold temperatures slow release of the enzymes. The highest concentration of enzymes is at the bottom of the onion, so cut it last to postpone the weeping (and the irritation) for as long as possible. If you don’t like cooking with onions, check out our recipe finder for more great onion-free dishes.2. IS IT TRUE THAT YOUR EARS GROW THROUGHOUT LIFE?Yes, the outer ears do. Starting at birth, the ears are, proportionally, the body’s largest feature, with a Spock-like prominence. They grow rapidly until about age 10, then slow to the languid pace of about 0.22 millimeter per year, according to a study by Britain’s Royal College of General Practitioners. Other studies show that the earlobe itself also lengthens throughout life (men have longer lobes than women). However, the size of the ear canal, which is formed by bone and cartilage, does not increase with age. Don’t love the size of your ears? Find other ways to look and feel great. 3. WHY DO YOUR JOINTS CRACK?The most common type of joint in the human body is the diarthrodial joint — knuckles and shoulders are examples — in which two bones come together in a capsule. Inside that joint capsule is a lubricant called synovial fluid, which contains dissolved gases. When you stretch the joint, you’re actually compressing it and the fluid within, forcing those nitrogen-rich gases to escape the synovial solution. The release of “air” within the joint capsule is what you hear as a “pop.” Once the gas is released, the joint is a bit more flexible (enabling you to go a little further in a yoga pose, for example). But you’ve probably noticed that you can’t immediately crack the same joint again. That’s because the gases released in a pop must first reabsorb into the fluid, a process that takes 15 to 30 minutes. If you habitually crack your knuckles to relieve tension, try concentrating on your breath for 30 seconds instead. Knuckle cracking doesn’t lead to arthritis, but it can lead to decreased grip strength. Click here to find out how to break other bad habits. 4. WHAT CAUSES THE FEELING OF “PINS AND NEEDLES”?Called paresthesia, pins and needles are caused by blocked blood flow to a pressed nerve. If you sit too long in an awkward position — or even just with your legs crossed — you may press hard enough on a nerve to interrupt its signaling to the brain, causing your feet, for example, to “fall asleep,” or go numb. This is not the same as a pinched nerve, a longer-lasting condition that occurs when a part of the body, swollen because of injury or misalignment, applies steady pressure on a nerve. Paresthesia is usually felt in the extremities — hands, feet, and ankles. That crazy-making prickly sensation is the resumption of pain messages to the brain. Simply changing your position is almost always enough to allow the nerve to resume communication. But prickly feelings more rarely can be symptoms of diseases as diverse and serious as diabetes, lupus, and MS. If your pins and needles don’t resolve quickly with a change of body position, see a doctor. Avoid pins and needs and keep your body moving with this yoga DVD. 5. CAN “CANKLES” ACTUALLY BE GOOD FOR YOU?Maybe. Scientists haven’t studied the significance of ankle shape, but other research on fat distribution may point to an answer. Ankles that have lost a bit of definition and appear to merge with the calf (hence the hybrid word) might actually improve your health, as long as you’re not seriously overweight. Fat stored in the intra-abdominal region — in and around the organs — can indicate a risk of metabolic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes; fat in the legs is least linked with these maladies, possibly because women with more leg fat often have less fat around their middle. Avoid cankles and other body fat with these delicious Flat Belly Cookbook meals. 6. WHEN YOU FIND SOMETHING REALLY FUNNY, WHY DO YOU SOMETIMES “LAUGH TILL YOU CRY”?Experts don’t really know. One thing to consider: Laughing and crying are similar psychological reactions. “Both occur during states of high emotional arousal, involve lingering effects, and don’t cleanly turn on and off,” says Robert R. Provine, PhD, a psychologist at the University of Maryland , and author of Laughter: A Scientific Investigation. We associate crying with sadness, but tearing up is an even more complex human response. Tears are triggered by a variety of emotions — “by pain, sadness, and in some cases even extreme mirth. It’s just the way we’ve evolved,” says Lee Duffner, MD, a professor of ophthalmology at the University of Miami’s Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. As it turns out, that’s good, because both laughter and crying can ease a stressful experience, probably by counteracting the effects of cortisol and adrenaline. So if you ever find yourself laughing until you cry, count yourself lucky. Click here to find out why these women are happy.
Your oddest body quirks explained - Healthy Living on Shine
Menstrual Pain vs Ovulation Painuser * by taleayahjohnson, on Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:17pm PDT * 2 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseAs women, at some point in time we have all experienced the monthly cramping, bloating, headaches, and changing moods associated with our menstrual cycle. This uncomfortable time of the month has transcended through biblical times to modern times, and undoubtedly will forever remain with man-kind. It is something that women endure and unfortunately there is little to nothing we can do about it. However, consider if you had a similar pain 14 days after your menstrual cycle but without “Aunt Flow”. This is called Mittelschmerz, which is a medical term used to describe mid-cycle pain or ovulation pain. Ovulation pain! When did ovulating become painful? Well, there are a few of us who experience this every month or intermittently. The pain is often intense, sharp, and lasts for hours. Eventually, it does subside and reduce to a dull nagging pain in your side where your ovaries are located. Personally, I thought I was dying, but that’s just my hypochondriac personality. Interestingly, I had never heard of such a pain from my mother, aunts, friends or anyone for that matter. However, I have always had the pain for as long as I can remember. Some months are more intense than others, while some months I do not have it at all. It was something that I could not describe as a young teen or perhaps I was not as in tune with my body as I am today to accurately describe. It was something that I could not immediately go see a doctor about, because generally by the time I got an appointment and examined, the pain was gone. So, I suffered for years in silence.I am ringing the alarm for the other 20% of women and young women who may also suffer from ovulation pain. Talk to your doctor, and describe the pain as accurately as possible. He or she will be able to better assess your issue and determine whether it is mittelschmerz or something more or less severe. For more information:
Menstrual Pain vs Ovulation Pain - Healthy Living on Shine
Long Lasting Painuser * by, on Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:31am PST * 400 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseGreetings !!! Long Lasting PainGround combat in the 1991 Persian Gulf War lasted just 100 hours, but it's meant 17 years of pain and anguish for hundreds of thousands of veterans who went. Recently, though, many of the sufferers have been... moreHere's a quote from Senator John Kerry:History will judge the invasion of Iraq one of the greatest foreign policy misadventures of all time.”full articleWhat are your comments?
Long Lasting Pain - Healthy Living on Shine
STARS ON THE WATER by J MONTANAuser * by J Montana, on Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:51pm PST * 1141 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseEveryone has a friend or loved one in the military that is either on active duty or hasRetired. I want to take the time to remember the heroes of today, as well as our fallenSoldiers that we have lost as a result of the war. I have a few friends here on ShineThat have Husbands that are on active duty. Please leave your prayers for them.These are our Heroes. If you have a friend or family member that has past on or isOn active duty please leave them your prayers and well wishes here. My wish is toHave all of our soldiers come home safely. These soldiers fight for a freedom thatWe take for granted. We need to come together and remember who has foughtThe good fight for us. It was not I. I can not even fathom the thought of going intoBattle just so our children can feel safe at night. Remember the fallen soldiers.My father was my hero. He was not in the military. I still miss him. I recently readA post that reminded me of daddy. I did not get to say good by to him before hePassed away. Even if you do not have a friend or loved one in the military.Tell us who your Hero is. It can be a school teacher that you remember from yearsAgo, your brother, your husband or a friend. Who is your Hero? Our heroes areOur Shining Stars.As I look at the Sun setting in the sky I feel forsaken. Why have you left me.I will remember you. It is dark now. The night is pitch black the Sun is lost.I only see the Stars on the Water.A hero (from Greek ἥρως hērōs[1]), in Greek mythology and folklore, was originallya demigod[2], the offspring of a mortal and a deity,[3] their cult being one of the most distinctive features of ancient Greek religion.Later, hero (male) and heroine (female) came to refer to characters (fictional orhistorical) that, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness,display courage and the will for self sacrifice – that is, heroism – for somegreater good, originally of martial courage or excellence but extended to more general moral excellence and a lifesaver. ~ Wikipedia
Kutter's Bar and Grilluser * by Kutter, on Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:39am PST * 1789 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseSo, you think that your day was tough? Well, join the club. Whenever you enter this establishment upset, you will leave with a smile on your face. We are here to drown your sorrows, and make you feel better. So what are you having? You may have noticed that there are no clocks on the walls. We did this for a reason. Time may fix your problems, but a few drinks are going help you along the way. Tell me what is going on. The good and the bad. The pretty and the ugly. The ups and the downs. It doesn't matter if you are a QuietThinker or as loud as a rock concert. Whatever! Enough of the examples. I’m here to make you your drinks. I’m here to make a paycheck. I’m here to make you smile, but please follow the ToS rules. If you annoy me too much then I will be forced to call in my bouncers. Our security is run by BJ, and she owns over 200 guns, so please be smart about your decisions. You don’t want any Harley riders telling you where to go. You could get your feelings hurt. You might be looking up at the Sky and notice that Sunshine is not smiling at you. We also have a builder named Bob that knows how to “plant” a two by four. If you get by Bob then you will be dealing with Big Ron, and he has a habit of loving you to death. On the other hand, Lady Jane will escort you through our establishment if you set an appointment. Also, don’t mess with the lawn guy because Blade has been known to Kut you In The Flesh. We only try to run a nice Traezy establishment. Kim is the main level waitress, but do not take your drinks off of her ass. She will serve you in an, out of the oven, hot Biscuit type of manner. There is a guy named Defiant that shows up every now and again, and he claims to be Valiant, and he has some great stories. He’ll tell you a joke anytime that you are willing listen. He works in a hospital with DocNewYork and Nurse Di. She believes that Zombies are very witty. I have to agree with the “witty” part. Be very careful though, Satan does have angels. We do have a person that Chex this. Christie and Mandi will be around to offer Jello shots, but please remember that you will have to go home eventually. Betty will be the one to administer those shots, but no more than 29. If you enjoy snakes then please visit our Viper display in the northwest corner. A lot of people find this display very Groovy. We also have a Theno Scorpio in there. You really shouldn’t mess with a Scorpio. If you want to play, then play with the Viper. Rockin’ will be handling all of the DJ music, and if you enjoy the Dolphin dance then please join in. If she is not here then please note that the jukebox is stuck on Neil Diamond’s song, sweet Caroline. If you decide to dance then please notice that there is a Rose on each table. Please respect the beauty and the time it takes to create each one of these. We do have another level, which we call the Montana room. Cherry blossoms are everywhere and Jack will be your server. It is very naughty but very nice. It is, shall we say, Mr. Clean up there. Nothing but the best attention will be served. We also have our own handyman Maguire to handle any odd jobs. We have a Wicked chocolate bar, which is hosted by Nestle, and it is absolutely Lucious. Kendra will be happy to deliver drinks to your area. The thoughtful and generous Tony D, will survey any actions on this level. The layout is nice and Cozy with a fireplace. We posted a sign above the fireplace, which reads, Hot Dangerous, so please be careful. Ladies if you’re looking for something exotic then head towards Fernando or Cody. They are always on this level, and you can pick them out by their pictures in the hallway. If you head back to the main level then you will find a regular on the west side of the bar. Her name is Angela. She is very educated and used to wear a catholic schoolgirls outfit. She is fun to banter with, but be careful. We have seen her slice and dice. She used to have a Sis that sat on the east side of the bar, but she had some house sitting accident. Her buddy is a Mac, and he is as loud as a diesel truck. Quite the pair they are, but very friendly if you are drinking what they are drinking. Some people have seen Angeleyes in them and they are said to be beautiful. Maybe it was the Southern Valentine that I had just consumed, but who knows. I’m going to have to send the Inspector to check that out. Brandy is always a very good choice to make you a Gratefulgirl or guy. Please be careful not to Odiem when you are around her. She is very strong and seductive, but ration yourself. One of our favorites has not been back for a while, and she is known as Nickie. She was very much a Diva. I think that we should send out a Conesu of people to find her. BUT, then again, we are all drinking. Maybe we should send out a Jellybean and see if that would attract her, or possibly Jules? I mean, every woman likes Jules, right? Her favorite beer was a Karina w/o the lime, and she loved to eat pulled pork sandwiches with a Habanero and a side of Yogurt. That was Simply her three favorites. She believed that combination would keep her Foreveryoung. We have a large screen TV on the east side of the room, which is made by JE. One of the Elle twins will change the channel if needed. Most people agree that the JDUSA channel is the best one to watch when it is late. Some of our patrons are catching Z’s at that hour, and are Gracious when the volume is on a lower level. If you need to use the restroom, look for the Starwars poster and head Straightforward. In Casy you get confused about which one is the females restroom, just look for the French portrait of La Abuelita. The men’s John has a picture of a Rebel on the door. After you are done with your Tinkerbell be sure to wash your hands and Pat off on one of our towels. We know that the lines can get pretty long, but Allswell that ends well. So, please be patient and you will be Luvinlife. Back by the front door, we have a Tassellady that always sells neat little braided things. She learned her trade in Harlem, and is quite the Craftlady. She also has a little helper, but he is kind of a Shydreamguy. She has a Baby Girl that is so cute, and her name is Cacybrook. She is quite the little Sparkingirl, and you can’t separate her from her Lilpiggy and she loves to be pushed around in her Baby Ridah. We all think that she is a great Momma. After consuming beverages for hours it might be best to become a Walker. However, be careful when heading across the street. There is an Aly and you might turn up as a Jane Doe. If it is Stormy out side and Raynie and Breezy, then we will call you a cab. If you are waiting for your cab, then please check out our Djgreetings card section located just inside the front doors. On a final note, if Brenda shows up then I suggest that everyone be on their best behavior. She manages this community, so give her the respect that she deserves. Now that you know everything about our bar, please have a seat and order some food and drinks.Here are our specials for this week:
Kutter's Bar and Grill on Shine
TEARS FROM THE SUN for VIPER by J MONTANAuser * by J Montana, on Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:31pm PST * 1796 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseThere is a man who we all adore. He has honor and love for us all. He bringsRomance and poetry to us even though he may feel less worthy. He is a greatFriend to us. When we are having a bad day he is there to lift us up. I want toThank him for being a cherished member of our Shine Community. His nameIs The Viper. He was one of the first friends that I had on Shine. When I had abad day he was there to lift my spirits. He is the best of the best here on Shine.Viper, You make us smile. You bring joy to our life through your writing.Please know that we care very much that you are here with us. We need you.I know that you have been having trials and tribulations. We are all battlingDemons. We want to help you now. We want to be here for you. We will liftYou up. Le us share your sorrow, my friend. I will Shine a light for you whenIt is dark. When you feel blue, let us help you through the tough times. WeAre your friends. Where you write, we will follow. We love you.As I look up in the sky there are no shadows to shield my eyes from theBurning sun. This is how We feel with out you here, our eyes shed TearsFrom the Sun.I miss you my friend. Tears of the sun burn in my soul.Hurry back to us. We miss you dearly.You're always in my heart,Always on my mind,No matter how deep the water,You, I always find.My memories are darkening,You're getting more unclear,I've fallen into a tunnel,But I am not to fear.Very soon we'll be as one,Together as we once had been,Filling our memory boxes,For another year of being unseen.A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather beanywhere else."~ Len Wein"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can singit back to you when you have forgotten the words."~ by Donna Roberts"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."~ by Lysha
TEARS FROM THE SUN for VIPER by J MONTANAuser * by J Montana, on Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:31pm PST * 1796 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseThere is a man who we all adore. He has honor and love for us all. He bringsRomance and poetry to us even though he may feel less worthy. He is a greatFriend to us. When we are having a bad day he is there to lift us up. I want toThank him for being a cherished member of our Shine Community. His nameIs The Viper. He was one of the first friends that I had on Shine. When I had abad day he was there to lift my spirits. He is the best of the best here on Shine.Viper, You make us smile. You bring joy to our life through your writing.Please know that we care very much that you are here with us. We need you.I know that you have been having trials and tribulations. We are all battlingDemons. We want to help you now. We want to be here for you. We will liftYou up. Le us share your sorrow, my friend. I will Shine a light for you whenIt is dark. When you feel blue, let us help you through the tough times. WeAre your friends. Where you write, we will follow. We love you.As I look up in the sky there are no shadows to shield my eyes from theBurning sun. This is how We feel with out you here, our eyes shed TearsFrom the Sun.I miss you my friend. Tears of the sun burn in my soul.Hurry back to us. We miss you dearly.You're always in my heart,Always on my mind,No matter how deep the water,You, I always find.My memories are darkening,You're getting more unclear,I've fallen into a tunnel,But I am not to fear.Very soon we'll be as one,Together as we once had been,Filling our memory boxes,For another year of being unseen.A friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather beanywhere else."~ Len Wein"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can singit back to you when you have forgotten the words."~ by Donna Roberts"A friend is one who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself."~ by Lysha
Top ten worst foods of 2009 user * by FatFighterTV, on Tue Feb 24, 2009 12:20pm PST * 27 Comments * Post a Comment * Read More from This Author » * Report AbuseFrom an astonishing amount of calories to several days' worth of fat in one meal to over the top levels of sodium, this is one place you don’t want to see any of your favorite foods. Every year, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) comes up with its list of the Top Ten Worst Foods and I always look forward to it. Once in awhile I find out I’ve enjoyed one of the “worsts” (and stop immediately!). But this year, I’m happy to report I have not indulged in anything on CSPI’s list for 2009.1. Pepperidge Farm Roasted White Meat Chicken Premium Pot Pie - There are 510 calories and 9 grams of saturated fat in this baby. Oh wait - that’s just for half a pie. The whole thing has 1020 calories and 18 grams of saturated fat.2. Romano’s Macaroni Grill Spaghetti and Meatballs with Meat Sauce - This dish will set you back a staggering 2,430 calories and nearly three days’ worth of saturated fat (57 grams) plus 5,290 milligrams of sodium - more calories and saturated fat than two Macaroni Grill Tuscan Rib-Eye steak dinners.3. Progresso Traditional, Vegetable Classics, and Rich & Hearty soups - Half a can averages more than half of a person’s daily quota of salt. Instead, CSPI says try Progresso’s Health Favorites reduced-sodium soups with up to 50 percent less salt. Also, see: Hidden sodium in foods you wouldn't think to check.4. Dove Ice Cream - A half cup has about 300 calories and an average of 11 grams of saturated fat - that’s half-a-day’s worth of the bad stuff. You may be better off with these 5 frozen treats under 100 calories.5. The Cheesecake Factory Chris’ Outrageous Chocolate Cake - It’s layers of chocolate cake, brownie, toasted coconut pecan filling, and chocolate chip coconut cheesecake. CSPI found each five-inch-high slice weighs three-fourths of a pound and has 1,380 calories, 32 teaspoons of sugar, 33 grams of saturated fat and 5 grams of trans fat. Yikes!6. Smoothie King’s Grape Expectations II - It’s one of Smoothie King’s “Snack Rights” with 550 calories in the 20-ounce size and 1,100 calories in the 40-ouncer. Proof that not all smoothies are good for you (but these are).7. Pop Secret Movie Theater Butter Popcorn Snack Size Bags - Just one snack-size bag has 11 grams of bad fat, 7 of which are trans fats. Instead, CSPI says choose Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop or Smart Balance Smart ’N Healthy - both are made with no partially hydrogenated oils. Also, see this review of microwave popcorns from Consumer Reports.8. The Starbucks Venti (20 oz.) Caffè Mocha with whole milk and whipped cream has 450 calories and 13 grams of bad fat - more like a Quarter Pounder with Cheese in a cup. But you can lose all the bad fat and all but 170 calories if you order a tall (12 oz.) with nonfat milk and no whipped cream.9. Chipotle Chicken Burrito - With rice, pinto beans, cheese, chicken, sour cream, and salsa, you get 1,040 calories and 16-1/2 grams of saturated fat - the same as three Subway Steak and Cheese 6-inch Subs. Plus the burrito comes with 2,500 milligrams of sodium! Ordering it without cheese or sour cream cuts the saturated fat to 3-1/2 grams, but you still end up with 810 calories and 2,300 milligrams of sodium. Ay Caramba! Here's another burrito that will shock you.10. Cold Stone Creamery’s Gotta Have It Founder’s Favorite - 12-ounces of ice cream, pecans, brownie pieces, fudge, and caramel adds up to a whopping 1,600 calories and 42 grams of saturated fat. That’s about the same as five single-scoop ice cream cones. And watch out before you have this frozen concoction.Any surprises? And tell me… have you had any of these
Top ten worst foods of 2009 - Healthy Living on Shine
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Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons BanPrevious Ban Expired in 2004 During the Bush AdministrationBy JASON RYANWASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 20091167 commentsFONT SIZEEMAILPRINTRSSDIGGSHAREThe Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.PHOTO Wednesday Attorney General Eric Holder said that the Obama administration will seek to reinstitute the assault weapons ban which expired in 2004 during the Bush administration.Wednesday Attorney General Eric Holder said that the Obama administration will seek to reinstitute the assault weapons ban which expired in 2004 during the Bush administration.(AP Photos/ABC News Graphic )"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.Holder said that putting the ban back in place would not only be a positive move by the United States, it would help cut down on the flow of guns going across the border into Mexico, which is struggling with heavy violence among drug cartels along the border."I think that will have a positive impact in Mexico, at a minimum." Holder said at a news conference on the arrest of more than 700 people in a drug enforcement crackdown on Mexican drug cartels operating in the U.S.
ABC News: Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban
It seems facebook's permissions on photos tagged by others isn't as great as one would imagine. The URLs can be easily modified to allow users to view non-friend photos from ANY school and even photos of users listed as private.
It seems facebook's permissions on photos tagged by others isn't as great as one would imagine. The URLs can be easily modified to allow users to view non-friend photos from ANY school and even photos of users listed as private.
It seems facebook's permissions on photos tagged by others isn't as great as one would imagine. The URLs can be easily modified to allow users to view non-friend photos from ANY school and even photos of users listed as private.

A Healthy Salad for Christmas

A Healthy Salad for Christmas

I created this salad several years ago for Christmas holiday entertaining by combining all the green, red and orange salad ingredients I could think of and tossing them with one of my favorite vinaigrette dressings. It's very festive looking and extremely delicious because it combines the sweet flavors of mandarin oranges and dried cranberries with savory vegetables, olive oil, garlic, and balsamic vinegar. 

This salad is a much welcomed healthy addition to a holiday meal. You can vary the ingredient ratios based on your own preference. Good Seasons salad dressings are one of the few prepared foods I buy. Just add your own oil, vinegar, and water, and the flavor is always fresh and delicious.

4 cups (a 5-oz. bag) arugula, washed (or more to taste)

4 cups (a 6-oz. bag) baby spinach, washed (or more to taste)

1 cup canned mandarin oranges, drained

1 cup dried cranberries 

1 cup red pepper, cut in thin 1 1/2-inch strips

1 cup canned, julienned beets 

1 pint cherry tomatoes, cut in half

1 medium cucumber, peeled, and cut in thin 1 1/2-inch strips

1 cup crumbled blue cheese or Gorgonzola (optional)

1 cup pecans, lightly toasted (optional)

1 Good Seasons Roasted Garlic, Zesty Italian, or Garlic & Herb flavor dressing made with olive oil and balsamic vinegar according to the directions on the packet

1. Chill the dressing in the refrigerator.

2. Because this salad makes such a nice presentation, it's best to serve it in either a large glass or wooden bowl. Mix together the arugula and baby spinach. Decoratively place the remaining ingredients over the greens. If using the crumbled cheese and toasted nuts, sprinkle them evenly on top.

3.  At the last possible moment, toss the salad with the entire bottle of dressing.   

Holiday Cookies from Around the World

For me, baking cookies is always one of the most fun bonding experiences of the year. It's a great way to spend quality time with family and friends, and the cookies make wonderful gifts for teachers, co-workers, and just about everyone else. It's fun to experiment and try a few new recipes each year. Here are 6 cookies from around the world, featuring a variety of shapes, colors, and ingredients (recipes follow): 

Alfajores from Argentina and Peru. Alfajores are shortbread cookies filled with dulce de leche, the cooked milk jam that has recently become so popular in the United States. While dulce de leche is the typical filling, you can also fill the cookies with any fruit jam you like.

Benne (Sesame) Seed Wafers from West Africa. These are crisp and delicious with the nutty flavor of sesame seeds. Hulled white sesame seeds are more dainty looking, but the darker seeds with hulls have more flavor.

Speculas Spice Cookies from Belgium and Holland
. These flavorful cookies were developed centuries ago using spices from the Far East that were brought back to Northern Europe. Many Americans know them for their windmill designs made from special molds, but if you don't have the molds, cookie cutters work equally well.

Scottish Shortbread from Scotland. This centuries-old classic is one of the most comforting of cookies and goes wonderfully with hot chocolate. You can use an attractively decorated 8-inch square mold or make them in a round baking pan with removable sides.

Viennese Crescents from Austria. Austrians are some of the finest bakers in the world, and Viennese Nut Crescents are my favorite cookies. I love the dough, which is crumbly, nutty, buttery rich, and not too sweet. Other countries have their own variations and shapes. 

Brigadeiros from Brazil. Technically, these aren't cookies. They’re really a cross between a truffle and fudge, shaped in little balls about an inch in diameter. They're tremendously popular in Brazil and great for the holidays because they can be rolled in colorful sprinkles or nonpareils, finely chopped nuts, or grated coconut. For an extra fancy presentation, place them in little paper candy cups.


(makes approximately 3 dozen sandwich style cookies)

1 ½ cups (3 sticks) sweet butter, softened

¾ cup sugar

½ cup confectioner’s sugar

1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract

½ teaspoon salt

3 cups all-purpose flour

1 ½ cups dulce de leche (in a jar or homemade: see below)

Confectioner's sugar (optional)

Grated coconut (optional)

1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2.  Cream together the butter and two sugars.  Add the vanilla extract.

3.  Add the flour and salt to the butter mixture.

4.  When the dough is well blended, divide it in three.  Shape into 3 thick disks, cover them in plastic wrap, and chill for one hour.  The disk shape will make it easier to roll later.

5. When ready to make the cookies, roll the dough to ¼-inch thick.  Use a 2-inch round cookie cutter to cut circles.  With a fun shaped mini cutter such as a heart, a star, or a Christmas tree, cut a little shape in the center of half the circles.  These will be the tops of the cookies and will allow the filling to show through.

6. Place the cookies on a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake approximately 12 minutes, or until they start to brown.  Let them cool on a cookie sheet.

7.    Spread approximately 1 teaspoon of dulce de leche or jam over the full circles.  Top each with the circles that have cut outs in the middle.  If you’d like to roll the edges in grated coconut, add a little extra filling so it oozes out slightly.  That will give the coconut something to adhere to.

8.  If you'd like to sprinkle them with confectioner's sugar, omit the coconut.

Homemade Dulce de Leche Filling 
(Makes at least 2 cups.  If you have extra, you can use it as an ice cream topping.)

2 cans sweetened condensed milk (14 oz. each)

Empty the sweetened condensed milk into the top of a double boiler.  Add water to the bottom compartment and cook over medium heat approximately 1¼ hours, stirring periodically to prevent scorching.  It’s ready when the mixture turns a tan color and thickens to the consistency of jam.  It will get thicker as it cools.

Benne Seed Wafers
(makes approximately 4 dozen cookies)

1/2 cup butter, softened

3/4 cup light brown sugar, packed

1 egg 

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups sesame seeds

1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

2. Cream together the butter and brown sugar.  Add the vanilla extract and egg.

3.  In a small bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, salt and 1/2 cup of the sesame seeds.  Add this dry mixture to the butter and sugar mixture.  Mix well.

4.  Form the dough into 1-inch balls.  If the dough is too soft to form balls, add a little extra flour.  Spread the remaining 1 cup of sesame seeds, 1/2 cup at a time, over a large plate.  Roll the balls in the sesame seeds.

5.  Place the balls on a greased cookie sheet and flatten them with the bottom of a glass.

6.  Bake for approximately 10-12 minutes, or until light brown in color.


Speculas Spice Cookies
(makes approximately 3 dozen cookies)  

You don't need to add all 7 spices.  That is the authentic spice mixture.  The cinnamon and cloves are essential, but if you don't have all the other spices in your cupboard, add what you have on hand.

3/4 cup sweet butter, softened

1 1/4 cups dark brown sugar, firmly packed

1 egg 

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 3/4 cups all purpose flour 

1/2 cup almonds, finely ground 

2 teaspoons cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon allspice

1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon cloves

1/2 teaspoon cardamom

1/4 teaspoon ground anise 

1/2 teaspoon salt 

1/8 teaspoon baking powder

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  Cream together the butter and brown sugar.   Add the egg and the vanilla extract. 

3.  Combine the flour, baking powder, salt and spices.  Then add them to the butter and sugar mixture.

4.  Divide the dough in thirds and form them into thick disks.  This will make them easier to roll out later.  Chill for about 1 hour. 

5.  If using decorated clay molds, oil them and dust with flour.  Press dough into the molds to cover, about 1/4-inch thick.  Trim the excess around the edges of the mold.  Tap the molds and place the cookies on a greased baking sheet.  Reflour the molds as needed, but you won't need to regrease them.  If using regular cookie cutters, roll the dough 1/4-inch thick.

6.  Bake the cookies approximately 10-12 minutes, or until they look brown and done.  The dough will be somewhat dark, due to the spices.  Cool several minutes on the cookie sheets.   


Scottish Shortbread
(makes approximately 32 1-inch X 2-inch bars or 16 large wedges)

2/3rds cup sweet butter, softened

1/3 cup confectioner's sugar

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 

1/2 teaspoon salt

1.  Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

2. Cream the butter and sugar.  Add the flour and salt and mix until smooth.  

3.  If using a decorative, 8-inch square clay mold, flour the mold and then evenly spread the dough into it.  Trim any excess off the edges.  If you don't have a mold, use a 9-inch baking pan with a removable bottom, like a cheesecake pan.  With the tines of your fork, mark the circle in quarters, and mark each quarter in 4 wedges.  This will make it easier to break or cut the wedges once the shortbread has baked.

4.  Bake the shortbread for about 45 minutes, or until it's a rich golden brown.  Let the shortbread cool for a few minutes in the pan.  While it's still a little warm, gently remove it from the mold or baking pan and cut the shortbread.  If using the square mold, place a cutting board over the mold and invert it before cutting.   

Viennese Crescents
(makes approximately 5 dozen)

It's important that the nuts be very finely ground or the cookies will be too crumbly and fall apart.  I like pecans or walnuts best, but hazelnuts and almonds are also good choices. 

1 cup sweet butter, softened

3/4 cup confectioner's sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

1 cup finely ground nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds or hazelnuts) 

2 cups all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup confectioner's sugar for dusting

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2.  Cream together the butter and confectioner's sugar.  Then incorporate the vanilla.

3.  Add the ground nuts, flour and salt and mix well.

4.  Use approximately 1 tablespoon of dough to form each cookie in a crescent shape.  Place on a greased cookie sheet.

5.  Bake approximately 15 minutes, or until the cookies turn light brown.  Let the cookies cool for several minutes. 

6.  Sift the confectioner's over the cookies while they're still warm so it adheres to the cookies.  

(makes 24 truffle like candies) 

3 tablespoons butter

2 cans (14 ounces each) sweetened condensed milk

6 tablespoons of Chocolate Nesquik powder

Colored sprinkles or non-pareils

Chopped nuts (optional)

Shredded coconut (optional) 

1.  Melt the butter in a medium-size saucepan over low heat.

2. Add the two cans of sweetened condensed milk and Nesquik powder and stir well.  Continue stirring constantly for 10-15 minutes, until the mixture becomes very thick, like chocolate pudding.  When it's ready, it should "slide" from side to side when the pan is tilted.

3.  Pour the chocolate mxiture into a shallow bowl and refrigerate until cool (about one hour).

4.  Put the sprinkles, chopped nuts, or coconut in a shallow dish or pie plate.

5.  Grease your hands with oil.  Take about one tablespoon of the cooled mixture and roll it into a ball shape.  Then roll the ball in the sprinkles to coat it all around.  Place the Brigadeiros on a plate or in little individual candy cups.  Add more oil to your hands to keep the candies from sticking.

For more visit 

Stir-Fried Shrimp: 4 Countries, 4 Ways

All over the world, everyone loves shrimp. They cook so quickly they're perfect for dinner in a hurry, and they're mild enough they lend themselves easily to many culinary interpretations -- all depending on which ingredients you add. Woks are great for cooking all types of stir-fried shrimp (not just Asian), because they enable the shrimp to cook quickly and uniformly at high heat. The Peruvian recipe below can also be found inThe Magical Melting Pot cookbook.  

Chinese Shrimp with Garlic & Ginger
(makes 4 servings)

1 1/2 pounds shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/4 cup peanut or vegetable oil
1-inch piece of ginger, peeled and minced
3 cloves of garlic, minced
4 green onions (scallions), cut in 1-inch lengths
Salt and pepper to taste 

1. Heat the oil in a wok over high heat.

2. Add the minced ginger, garlic, and scallions and stir-fry for about 1 minute.

3. Add the shrimp and cook until shrimp turn pink.

4. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Serve with white rice. 


Peruvian Saltado de Camarones
(makes 4-6 servings) 

1/4 cup vegetable oil 
1 1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 cups cooked potatoes, cut in bite-size pieces (leftover baked or boiled potatoes work well, though Peruvians often use French fries)
1 large onion, cut in half and sliced
1 large tomato, coarsely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup chopped cilantro

1. Heat the oil in a wok over medium-high heat. Stir-fry the onions, garlic, and tomatoes until they become soft (about 3 minutes).

2. Raise the heat and add the shrimp. Stir-fry about 2 minutes.

3. Add the vinegar, soy sauce, and potatoes and cook another 3 minutes.

4. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro, and serve.


Greek Shrimp
(makes 4 servings)

1/4 cup olive oil 
1 1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano or 1 teaspoon dried 
Juice of 1 lemon
3 tablespoons chopped parsley
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese

1. Heat the olive oil in a large wok. Add the chopped onion and tomato and stir-fry for about 3 minutes. Add the oregano and cook 1 minute more.

2. Add the shrimp and stir-fry about 3 minutes, or until the shrimp turn pink.

3. Add the lemon juice and parsley and stir-fry one minute more.

4. Add the crumbled feta and toss just so it heats through.

5. Serve with white rice or orzo. 


Spanish Shrimp with Garlic
(makes 4 servings)

1/4 cup olive oil 
1 1/2 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
8 cloves garlic, sliced
1 teaspoon Spanish paprika
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
3 tablespoons lemon juice
3 tablespoons Sherry or Cognac (optional)
Salt a nd pepper to taste 
1/4 cup chopped parsley

1. Heat the oil in a wok over high heat.

2. Add the garlic and red pepper flakes and stir-fry about 2 minutes. (Don't let the garlic brown.)

3. Add the shrimp and paprika and stir-fry about 2 more minutes.

4. Add the lemon juice and Sherry or Cognac and stir-fry another 2 minutes, or until the shrimp turn pink. 

5. If you added Sherry or Cognac, remove the shrimp to a serving dish once they're cooked and keep the sauce on the heat until it's reduced slightly. Then spoon the sauce over the shrimp and sprinkle with the chopped parsley.

6. Serve with white rice. 

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Cherish the simple gifts in life. I am speaking of our friends. Love our planet and everyone in it just as God loves us. Open the door to your heart, and spread that inner glow to lift others who need a beacon to guide them in the darkness.
Are we really letting our inner light shine? Have you been there for a friend in

their time of need? I have had to check my self lately. I took a look in the mirror

and the Image that I seen before was not who I wanted to be. I have not been a good

friend lately. Let your light shine in. Take the time to let a friend know that you are

There for them in their time of need. What makes a friend shine their light upon us?

Do you have that friend that is so much a part of you, that you feel alone just

thinking about the thought of her not being there. I do. Do you feel forsaken?

My friends are my rock in troubled times. I have a friend who draws his sword

to defend me just so do not have to feel one ounce of sorrow. Are you this type

of friend? Do you stand beside them in their time of need? How do you feel when

Your friends forsake you? I have had friends that have forsaken me its true. I

forgave them. They are human still. I still have a place in my heart for them. I

always will. Do you forgive easily or are you the type of person that will carry a

grudge for as long as you have breath in your body? Let us come together as friends.

Lean on me. I am here for you, my friends. I stumble from time to time, but I will

carry you as long as I am able to stand, I will lift you up. If you fall I will pick you up.

The Wikipedia defines friendship as:

Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection and respect along with
a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis. Friends will welcome each other's company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism. Their tastes will usually be similar and may converge, and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors.
Yet for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or
something will not harm them.

Do you always have the best intentions for your friends? I believe that this must

Be a factor for trust to occur.

Is there that friend that means so much to you, that you honestly believe you would

stop studying for a final exam, break a date with your crush of five years, or risk being scolded by your husband or wife just so you could be there to lend a shoulder to cry

on, offer a hug, or spend three hours just sitting with her if that would make it at all

Better? I believe we all have these this type of friend. What kind of friend are you?

We have friends who can make you smile through your tears, or cry out of happiness.

We have friends who are always there for you, and just realizing that they would be there is more than enough to make it better.

Who is yours?

“A friend is one who walks in when others walk out” ~ Walter Winchell

"Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend." ~ Albert Camus

My mended soul would then release a new angel beside the other one
and together we would stroll the heavens,
our times are over and done. ~ Ashley Schaefer

Grace is unmerited favor. In other words, God in His own heart decided to that He wanted the very best of us. He choose to care for us as Rom. 5:8, says "when we were still in our sins." God choose to love us, not based upon some goodness or trait he liked in us, but because he cared for our well being and future. Thus, God's grace is an expression of his love us, because he choose too.

Any true lasting relationship must be based on grace. A marriage must be based on grace, as well as friendships. No marriage will last unless the couple are friends! You wife/husband should be your best friend. ~ Cooper P. Abrams III

Will you believe in me? Walk beside me. Lift me up. I need you to stand beside me.

You have a friend in me. I will carry you with me always . You are my Angel.

~ J Montana